Unlimited Monthly Threading Membership
Effortless Maintenance of your Brows Year-Round
Membership Pricing
Eyebrows $17.99
Lip/Chin $16.99
Ears $11.99
Please contact Safa directly for Club Pricing for individual face parts not listed here.
Any 2 Face Parts $24.99
Any 3 Face Parts $32.99
Full Face $50.99
Membership Club Details
Membership done your way. Choose our unlimited monthly facial threading services with monthly auto-renewal for uninterrupted service. Select a single face part or multiple parts. Come in as many times as you like each month to keep your look fresh.
For our multiple face part option, select any two items from the Single Face Part list and come in as often as you’d like for a single fee. Multiple part options are available for two face parts, three face parts or the full face.
Membership Club Frequently Asked Questions
Subscription renewal will begin the following month on the day you sign up.
Example: If you sign up on the 15th of the May, your subscription will auto-renew on the 15th of June and each following month on the 15th.
Canceling a subscription is easy. There are several ways to accomplish this:
- If you sign up online, you can cancel your Membership from the automated email your receive each month when a scheduled payment is made.
- If you signed up in person, you can always cancel your membership at the location where you initially signed up.
- You can call or text me at 702-665-1026 or email safaeliteeyebrows@gmail.com
- You can submit a request here on website and we’ll cancel your subscription for the next billing period.
- You can DM us on our Facebook or Instagram pages and request a cancellation.
When cancelling please include ALL of the following information: Full name, phone number, and email.
We cannot process your cancellation request without those pieces of information.